Advanced communication GFOK045
Number of credits: 1,5 HEC Number of participants: 18 Schedule: Day 1: 09.00 - 17.00 Day 2: two-hour group work - preparing a talk / Not scheduled. Group decides on when and where to meet. Flexible date and time Day 3: three-hour group work - testing the talk / Not scheduled. Group decides on when and where to meet. Flexible date and time Day 4: 08.15-12.00 and 13.00-17.00. Aim The aim of this course is to help you develop into a more observant presenter and give you tools for choosing an effective communication strategy and getting complex messages across. You will be able to develop your personal capabilities to appear confident in front of your audiences and to make you speak effectively and interestingly. Be more aware of who you are in the eyes of others and deal with unexpected situations and audience reactions. Intended learning outcome On successful completion of the course you will be able to: - start and finish a presentation effectively, - select strategies based on audience and message, - use stories as a communication technique, - vary and adapt your material to the audience, - improvise and talk without a manuscript. Admission requirements No specific requirements. Recommended to doctoral students before giving popular science presentation. Content Topics covered are: - the power of our habits, - body language lies, - understanding your audience, - tricky technical language and the all-powerful computer projector, - to speak so that others listen, - creating a dialogue (The verbal path: rhetoric. The non-verbal path: behaviour), - temperament, planning and preparation, - solo presentations: participants deliver a speech and get feedback, - summary, lessons learned and the road ahead. Schedule The course includes lectures, exercises, discussions and homework assignments. Homework is done individually and in small groups. Course leader and examiner Erik Mattson, external consultant. Malin Kjellberg, examiner. Language English. Literature Materials are handed out during the course, including a reference book “Speaker’s Cookbook”, Erik Mattsson (2015). Assessment Attendance at all sessions and oral presentation. Grading: pass (G), fail (U). *** - Examinations may be sat within a year of the course start. After the expiry date, no assignments will be admitted and participants will have to apply to join the next course. - Stand-by list means that the course is fully booked but you may be offered a seat place if one becomes available. In this If that is the case, a notification will be sent to you. - Cancellation of participation should be done as soon as possible and no later than one week before the course start via the link in the confirmation email. In case of cancellation less than 7 days before the start, send an email to genericskills@chalmers.se. Cancellations later than one week will result in a late cancellation fee of 1000 SEK. The fee for "no shows" is 1500 SEK. - You may register to 1 ordinary seat and 1 stand-by seat. |
Kontaktperson: Arrangör: Schedule GFOK045 |